Universidad de Los Andes Instituto de Investigaciones Econ�micas y Sociales

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Full name:  Israel Ramírez                                

He is a Systems Engineer graduate of the Universidad de Los Andes (ULA) in 1980. He is an Assistant Professor of the ULA. Currently, he belongs to the  Unit of Systems and Computing of the Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales of the Universidad de Los Andes.

Research field:

Teaching field: Computing



Address: Av. Las Américas, Núcleo La Liria. Edif. G. Piso 3. FACES-IIES,  Office 240. Telephone: +58 0274 401111 or 1127.
E-mail: israel@ula.ve   

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Address comments and suggestions toAlexis P. Vásquez C.